Panorama 360

How we make panoramic HDR 360 photos

Panorama 360 photos consist of a combination of 4 or more photos that are combined in the appropriate software to get a panoramic photo.

Individual pictures taken in manual mode with the same settings do not show the whole picture in a proper way, some are too bright, part too dark. …

…therefore, 3 photos are taken with different exposures and combined in photos in HDR mode.

Therefore, instead of eg 4 pictures, 12 are taken and these photos are combined to get a better result.

Final effect – comparison of photos without HDR mode and with HDR mode

More about virtual walks

Virtual walks – advantages

Spacer wirtualny Warszawa - Hotel Narvil

Virtual walks – how they affect the image and sales, description and statistics.

Dedicated virtual walks

Spacery wirtualne Warszawa - Hotel Narvil

Dedicated walks with a convenient menu and navigation to publish on websites.

Panoramic maps

Panoramic maps showing the area, its attractions and infrastructure.

Travel guides

Travel guides based on aerial panoramas

360 photos for Facebook

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How do I post 360 panoramas to Facebook? A quick practical guide.

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Virtual Walks – Examples

Narvil Hotel

Spacery wirtualne Warszawa - Hotel Narvil

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

Mila Kamień Club

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

M15 Restaurant

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

Model home

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

Mokotów Fort

Spacer wirtualny po Warszawie - Fort Mokotów

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

Lofts de Girarda

Spacer wirtualny po Żyrardowie - Lofty de Girarda

Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos

Art Gallery

Virtual walk, panoramas on Facebook


Virtual walk, photography, drone’s photos