360 Panoramas for Facebook
Panoramas 360 can be placed directly on Facebook, you can watch them by turning in a panoramic photo.
Facebook allows you to place panoramic photos directly on the board just like ordinary photos. To place the panorama on Facebook, just follow a few simple steps.
How to publish 360 panorama on Facebook
By default, facebook recognizes a photo as 360 when loaded based on parameters, e.g. the name of the camera from which the photo was taken, if it was a 360 camera.
Step 1
Panoramas connected in the software do not have such settings by default, but you can bypass them by assigning the appropriate settings. To do this, right-click on the panorama in the folder, select the properties, the details tab and change the camera manufacturer and model there:
Ricoh theta s
Step 2
Picture 360 is loaded on fb just like an ordinary photo – by dragging on fb or via “add photo”> “choose from disk”. While the photo is loading, the 360 icon will appear – it means that fb has recognized the picture as picture 360 correctly. Loading such a photo takes longer because it has to be converted into a panorama for playback, so you have to wait patiently.
Step 3
After loading the panorama, the icon appears on the thumbnail – Edit settings 360, click on it.
Step 4
Set the initial frame by dragging the image with the mouse.
The initial frame is the view in the direction in which the panorama on facebook will appear after loading. It can be set only at this stage, later after publishing it can not be edited anymore
Step 5
and we publish the photo.